Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January 7

Thank you, Guga, for a beautiful blanket for our baby!  (and yes, I still have the Christmas tablecloth out, I need to get a new winter one that is vinyl - regular tablecloths get destroyed in short order from the crafting around here.  Heck, even the vinyl Thanksgiving one got torn this year by an elderly cat who misjudged his leap from breakfast bar to table!)

January 6

Sunset over Metape Circle.  

Hola Cinco!

View from the examination table at Maternal Fetal Medicine, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital.

January 5

My arsenal against the terrible heartburn I've been having.

January 4

Tiger the Tabby Cat will be 14 years old next month! 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 3

Playing with the settings on my "kinda new" Samsung camera (I got it in October) and catching Bonnie & Clyde in their usual mischief.  I love the last picture where Claire is still having fun but clearly is not a fan of the flash on the camera. :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

January 2

What do you do with a crab?  Why, stick her in water!  Claire has (at long last) gotten over her fear of the tub.  At first she was just frightened of the tub and we weren't sure why as she was wonderful in the pool, the lake and the ocean.  Then she was good in the tub --- until she fell one day and almost went under.  Cue: three more months of exhausting screaming during every single bath.  Now she seems to have forgotten about her fall and is back to enjoying the tubby again.  Today she was a little out of sorts and everyone was just irking her so I put her in the tub.  Voila!  Instant happiness.

January 1

Hope springs eternal as I give my 365 blog another go this year.  Last year I was able to do about four months between the blog and the album, then life interfered with Project Life. :)  This year my goal is (obviously) to do the entire year but at least to beat last year.

Here is our card wall.  We do this every year.  It is the best way for us to see and enjoy the cards we receive.  All the Christmas decorations are down already in our house (much earlier than normal because of Cinco) but this will stay up for a bit longer.